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AAAAAARGHHHHHH !!! The Economy is killing me.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:59 pm
by Moonlight Shadow
Trying to buy a boat. First one I find is in Barcelona. Price is right. Just before I make an offer, the pound goes down against the Euro. Price of the boat rises by £10,000 in real terms if buying in sterling.

Second boat I fancy is in the UK, costs a lot more. Decide to sell the House. Housing market collapses. Can't afford boat. Go for a loan, but...

Just before I make an offer, a foriegner buys the boat paying in Euro because the boat (priced in sterling) is now cheap to him.

So, I am now limited to buying a boat that is priced in sterling, from a Uk seller, hopefully before a euro totting buyer turns up.

Gordon Brown has stuffed me.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:52 pm
by DaveA
Think he's stuffed more people than chickens have had it up thier backsides. Killed my business with all the extra legislation. Now looking for alternative work, but I suppose at least it gives me time to play on the internet :o :D