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can you spare 10 minutes?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:44 pm
by scubastudy
Dear All,
I am a final year research student at University of Plymouth and am currently studying memory functioning in Scuba divers. I have recruited hundreds of recreational scuba divers in the local area to take part in online questionnaire and am now looking to recruit non-divers so that I can have a matched sample of people who have similar ages, demographics, education backgrounds, but have never dived.

My main interest lies in investigating whether divers of differing ages/experience carry out tasks differently or report any perceived memory issues. I believe that sailors and yachtsmen etc have a similar level of skill development and dependence on vital equipment in order to carry out their chosen sport safely. This is my main reason for targeting them as a 'control’ group.

All replies are anonymous and I am looking for adults only (aged 18-80) to take part in a short (less than 10 minutes) online questionnaire. There is information available on the divers’ recruitment website at under the 'non divers' link. As I mentioned this is a research website for my studies with the University of Plymouth, so all data is securely stored and will not be passed on to any third party, all I am looking for is honest responses to the online questionnaire. This research goes towards my postgraduate degree and is not a commercial enterprise.

Also I would be most grateful if you could suggest any other clubs/organisations or web based forums where I might be able to advertise my study for non-divers.

Thank you so much for your time and assistance, should you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to reply to this thread or contact me directly.

Kind Regards

Graham Samson

Instructions: GO TO
CLICK on 'non divers' link on left hand menu bar, or next to online research
COMPLETE demographics section and 'proceed' to questionnaire
ALL information is confidential and treated as such.